In compliance with Section 5 of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 11313 or “Bawal Bastos” law, the following were accomplished:

* Appointment of Anti-Sexual Harassment Officers (Office Order no. 20-0235)

* Anti-Sexual Harassment poster

* Anti-Sexual Harassment Hotline

PAGCOR Women’s Help Desk Office

The women’s helpdesk is intended to assist employees with their inquiries and other concerns on filing complaint for sexual harassment. Moreover, the help desk also caters to employee’s request for alimony, child support and other matters which shall be forwarded to the Committee on Alternative Dispute Resolution (CADR).

The office of Women’s Help Desk is located at the Adjudication Secretariat and Hearing Department Office, 6th floor, PAGCOR Annex.

PAGCOR Women’s Help Desk Facebook page

Social media has been a powerful and most accessible tool in disseminating information on women’s right, thus, its creation.

Due to quarantine restrictions, employees may opt to submit their inquiries or concerns through this facebook page anytime, anywhere.

Information Drive in observance of the 18 day Campaign to end VAW (Violations against Women) which was held last December 11, 2020 via ZOOM and was also live streamed via PAGCOR Women’s Help Desk Facebook page.

The 18-Day Campaign to End VAW, an advocacy campaign that is observed annually from November 25 to December 12, as mandated by Proclamation 1172 s. 2006, supports the Philippine government’s goal of protecting the human rights of women by upholding its commitment to address all forms of gender-based violence as enshrined in the 1987 Constitution.

By virtue of Republic Act 10398 or the Act declaring November 25 of every year as the National Consciousness Day for the Elimination of VAWC, government agencies are mandated to raise awareness on the problem of violence and the elimination of all forms of violence against women.

The 2020 Campaign comes at a time when the country is reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic that aggravated underlying gender issues and affected marginalized and vulnerable sectors. As we shift to the “new normal”, CODE and Committee on Alternative Dispute Resolution (CADR) continue to update platforms that are accessible, innovative and informative, to increase awareness and knowledge of its employees on GAD. In observance of this campaign, an information drive on the following topics was conducted:

* Anti-Violence against Women and Children (VAWC) or Republic Act 9262

* PAGCOR’s Law on Sexual Harassment

* Republic Act (R.A.) No. 11313 or “Bawal Bastos” law (effective March 15, 2020)

* Alternative Dispute Resolution Guidelines re: issues on alimony and request for child support.

No less than Chairman and CEO Andrea D. Domingo graced the ceremony by delivering a message on PAGCOR’s advocacy on empowerment and protection of the men, and most especially the women, of PAGCOR. This was followed by a welcome address of President and COO Alfredo C. Lim, who is also the GAD Focal System Executive Committee Chairman.


The Center for Global Best Practices (CGBP) has invited PAGCOR to attend a seminar on The Law and Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 11313 or “Bawal Bastos” law (effective March 15, 2020), which seeks to expand the Anti-Sexual Harassment Law and categorically covers “casino” and caters to clients who experienced sexual harassment therein, thus:

Section 5. Gender-Based Sexual Harassment in x x Hotels and Casinos, x x and Other Privately-Owned Places Open to the Public.— x x shall adopt a zero-tolerance policy against gender-based streets and public spaces sexual harassment.

Attendees of the seminars are the members of the Committee on Decorum and Ethics (CODE) and its Prosecutors, as well as the Hearing Officers of ASHD, and selected members of the GAD Executive Committee.

This seminar is in compliance with our GAD commitment and would help the participants create policies and enabling mechanism to reduce incidents of sexual harassment and violations against women.

Bawal ang Bastos Forum ( August 28, 2020) and Y Talk Series on How has Covid 19 impacted the issue related to gender based violence (October 20, 2020) organized by the Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) of the Philippines.

The Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) of the Philippines is a private, non-stock, non-profit, non-sectarian, service-oriented, and charitable organization that was found in 1948. It aims to develop the physical, social, intellectual, moral and spiritual wellbeing of women and girls in accordance with the Christian ideals for which the movement is deeply rooted. True to its vision of An association, fully inclusive of age, faith, creed and status using collective women power for social change and transformation partners with the National Council of Women of the Philippines (NCWP) – the umbrella organization of all women’s organization in the country to conduct A forum on RA 11313 – Safe Spaces Act to better understand this law and help women and young women to be empowered through this law and in partnership with the Philippine Women’s University, the first university or women founded by Asians led by Mrs. Francisca Tirona Benitez who also founded the Civic Assembly of Women which is now the NCWP. The forum hopes to provide awareness to the community and stakeholders as well.